Tropical Conservation Science News

Solitary male monkeys cause crop damage in Uganda

Solitary male red-tailed monkeys (Cercopithecus ascanius) cause significant damage to cocoa crops in Uganda, according to a new study in's open access journal Tropical Conservation Society (TCS). Researchers examined…

Using palm hearts sustainably in Colombia

Long eaten by indigenous populations, palm hearts have also popular abroad, usually in fine dining establishments. However, palm hearts are cut-out of the inner core of various palm tree species,…

REDD+ would leave some species unprotected

REDD+ programs could leave some species high and dry even if its preserves the forests they call home, argues a new opinion piece in's open access journal Tropical Conservation…

How to monitor biodiversity for REDD projects

Although the international program Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) was developed in order to lower greenhouse gas emissions by protecting standing forests, conservationists have long pointed out that…