After a two-year-long campaign that saw nearly 700,000 people call on Thai Union Group to shift to more sustainable and ethical canned tuna, the global seafood giant has committed to…
Six years ago, Boston, Massachusetts-based NGO Ceres started tracking resolutions filed by shareholders asking food and beverage companies to report on how they are managing the risks that come with…
This story is the third in a four-part series on slave labor practices at logging camps in Pará, Brazil, produced by Repórter Brasil; their Portuguese version of this story can…
A new $88 million line of credit promises to help small shareholders in San Martin, Peru to increase production of the region’s seven largest resources. Last week, the Global Canopy…
Timber tracking tech helps governments and business trace movements of wood products and verify their timber supply chains.
Norway’s pension fund, the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund, has made it clear that it expects companies to respect human rights in all of their operations and across their entire…
[This article has been updated to reflect a statement released by the RSPO on November 18.] The world’s biggest sustainable palm oil organization has been accused of ignoring serious flaws…
For produce raised on some of Senegal’s most fertile cropland, the shortest route to the richest urban markets runs through another country. This geographic reality, with its multiple logistical hurdles,…
A fishing boat off the coast of the Malaysian state of Sabah. Photo by: Rhett Butler. Consumers in the developed world want sustainably sourced seafood and increasingly retailers like Walmart…