Wind Power News

Bats worth billions

US agriculture stands to lose billions in free ecosystem services from the often-feared and rarely respected humble bat. According to a recent study in Science bats in North America provide…

Do wind farms drive local warming?

Using decades-old data researchers have proven a long-suspected effect of wind turbines: under certain conditions large-scale wind farms can change local weather. Temperatures recorded from a wind farm in San…

Who’s to blame for the oil spill?

Why we get the oil spill we deserve. America, we deserve the oil spill now threatening the beautiful coast of Louisiana. This disaster is not natural, like the earthquake that…

U.S. approves first offshore wind farm

The Obama Administration has approved the nation's first offshore wind farm after more than eight years of legal challenges, reports the Associated Press. Speaking Wednesday in Boston, U.S. Interior Secretary…

Wind could power the entire world

Wind power may be the key to a clean energy revolution: a new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science finds that wind power could provide for…

High-flying kites could power New York

A fleet of kites could harvest enough energy from high-altitude winds to power New York, report researchers from the Carnegie Institution and California State University. Using 28 years of data…

How do wind turbines kill bats?

Researchers discover why wind turbines are hazardous to bats How do wind turbines kill bats? Jeremy Hance, August 25, 2008 Drop in air pressure, not collisions, devastate bat populations…

Clean energy gold rush in 2007

Clean energy investments rose 60% to $148 billion in 2007 Clean energy gold rush in 2007 July 1, 2008 New investment in renewables and energy efficiency surpassed $148 billion…